“Newscaster Guy”….he gets change….maybe even a couple of bucks if I am coming from my satellite office, also known as the bar…..this guy will give you weather reports….tell you to bundle up…or expect rain….he also will yell out sports scores if the Sox, Bruins, Celts or Pats are playing…he has a little transistor radio that he listens to….sometimes he will even put on a show for you….one time as I was passing through the Common during the warm summer months…..I came across Newscaster Guy and he was wearing a Cat in the Hat suit…..that was when he won me over….that takes some balls or maybe just a little crack…there he stood in the common at his usual spot….tall red and white hat….dancing….whenever I saw that I was like finally some entertainment!....I am sure the three martini’s I had previously helped me to appreciate his skills….but I can honestly say whenever I see this guy…he gets paid.
“Snoop Dog” is a completely different character…..but I like this guy…..he is old school…he holds a metal can…like an empty soup can…no label…all metal….he is usually sitting down on the sidewalk…he will take the can in his hands and tap it on the ground……while he sings…..Drop it like it’s hot…drop it like it’s hot….yeah talk about getting a song stuck in your head….when I see Snoop I am singing that song for like five days…..
My favorite one out of this bunch is “Straight Shooter”…straight shooter carries a cardboard sign that reads….”I am not going to LIE I am going to spend your money on BOOZE”….THIS IS MY GUY…..it’s almost like I feel his pain….he wants a cold one…hell, he will even take a warm one….he just wants one….I am all for contributing to a good cause….finally a campaign I believe in!….I gave that guy a fin…..I wasn’t the only one…he was raking in some serious cash…..

Everyone knows “Spare Change Guy” because he irritates the hell out of everyone…..he likes to stop traffic….get in your face and ask you about your sex life…..all the while yelling in his scratchy ear piercing voice….”Do youuuuuu have any SPAAARRE channnnnge?”…..this guy has a following…and I kid you not…..he has a Myspace…he has a theme song….he has been on Fox 25 and he even has a ringtone… ….one of the young kids at the state house made a point to record him on his phone and he now uses his “Do you have any spare change?” as a ringtone…...the one good thing about his eardrum busting song is that you can hear him coming……so you know when to switch sidewalks…..needless to say he gets no change from me.
When I say he has a following it’s not a joke…
Please see the sidebar to the right and follow a link to some live "Spare Change Guy" footage. He is also on Facebook...I cannot provide a link to his page so if you want to see it you can just search for Spare Change Guy on Facebook.
Ridiculous. People out here, like to hang out by the end of highway off ramps, they always have jaggedy, cardboard signs scrawling "Homeless vet, please help" , "Homeless mother of 4, please help" ... It's sad, but I can't even buy some of the shit I need... so sorry guys. You get nothing.